Useful info

Here is some useful information for anyone who is due to have a baby or has just given birth to their little one. We hope you find it helpful! If you have any suggestions for other links or numbers that you'd like to see on this page then please contact us.

Useful numbers


Sevenoaks Midwives - 01732 470341

Tunbridge Wells Hospital - 01892 633500 Urgent Clinical concerns or problems

Tunbridge Wells Hospital - 01892 638158 Non clinical matters (Midwifery Liaison Office)


Health Visitors:

Sevenoaks Team - 01732 470345

Sevenoaks Health Visitor Helpline - 01732 368296 (9.30-12 Monday to Friday)

Edenbridge Team - 01732 869825



Child health clinics

Tuesday 9.30-11.30 – Hope Church, The Mill Lane Centre, 128 Seal Road, Sevenoaks TN14 5EX

Wednesday 10-12 (1st & 3rd of the month) – Westerham Hall, Quebec Avenue, London Rd, Westerham TN16 1BG

Thursday 9.30-11.30 – Spring House Children’s Centre, Hospital Road, Sevenoaks TN13 3PT

Friday 9.30-11.30 – Edenbridge Children’s Centre, High Street, Edenbridge, TN8 5AB



Birth registration

Sevenoaks Library, Buckhurst Lane, Sevenoaks TN13 1LQ 03000 415151

What to take to hospital

  • Something loose and comfortable to wear during labour
  • Two or three comfortable and supportive bras, including nursing bras if you're planning to breastfeed
  • 2 packs of super-absorbent sanitary or maternity pads
  • Your wash bag with toothbrush, hairbrush, flannel, soap and other toiletries
  • Towels, Pillow (or pillow case) for home comforts
  • Books, magazines or music to help pass the time (remember your chargers)
  • A sponge or water spray to cool you down.
  • Front-opening nighties if you're going to breastfeed
  • Dressing gown, slippers and cosy socks
  • Five or six pairs of underwear (a few sizes larger than normal)
  • A loose, comfortable outfit to wear after you have given birth, and to come home in
  • Clothes (including a hat) and nappies for the baby
  • A shawl or blanket to wrap the baby in
  • If you are travelling by car, remember a car seat.

Get in touch